The Very Best Short Stories of Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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This distinctive compilation brings together nine essential works by Dostoevsky, revealing his prowess in both short stories and novels. Addressing similar themes as his lengthier works, the characters, including Yemelyan in "The Honest Thief," grapple with tragic circumstances rooted in an inability to resist criminal tendencies. Presented chronologically, this edition stands as the definitive collection of Dostoevsky's finest stories.


Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881), a renowned Russian novelist, is celebrated as one of the world's greatest literary figures. His works delve into the complexities of the human condition in 19th-century Russia, exploring political, social, and spiritual landscapes while grappling with profound philosophical and religious themes. Dostoevsky's masterpieces like "Crime and Punishment," "The Idiot," "Demons," and "The Brothers Karamazov" are widely acclaimed. His 1864 novella "Notes from Underground" is considered an early example of existentialist literature. Born in Moscow, Dostoevsky's life encompassed hardships, from his early exposure to literature to imprisonment in Siberia and struggles with addiction. His impact on literature and philosophy extends globally, influencing writers, philosophers, and the development of existentialism and Freudianism. His prolific body of work, translated into over 170 languages, continues to inspire literature and film.


AN HONEST THIEF ....................................................................................... 7
A NOVEL IN NINE LETTERS ...................................................................... 22
AN UNPLEASANT PREDICAMENT ........................................................... 33
ANOTHER MAN’S WIFE ............................................................................. 79
THE HEAVENLY CHRISTMAS TREE ........................................................ 115
THE PEASANT MAREY............................................................................... 119
THE CROCODILE ........................................................................................ 124
BOBOK ......................................................................................................... 154
THE DREAM OF A RIDICULOUS MAN .................................................... 168


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